Favorite Stuff
A few wee facts about me
Favourite TV Shows: South Park, Simpsons, older Buffy, Gerry Anderson stuff, Spaced oh and the classic Neighbours! Favourite
Movies: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, the Princess Bride, Matrix, Night of the Living Dead, The War of the Worlds,
Nightmare before Christmas! Favourite bands/artists: Doves, Beck, Radiohead, Flaming Lips, the Darkness, Sugacult, Muse,
Super Furries, My Vitriol, Grandaddy, Beatles, the Libertines, Blur, Oasis, Feeder, Ash, Foo Fighters, Me first and the Gimme
Gimmes, Meu.....amongst many more! Favourite Books: Lord of the Rings, If nobody speaks of remarkable things by jon mcgregor
and prozac nation (hopefully the nearest i will ever get to depression, worth a read for the insights) also A Bright Red Scream,
Cut and I'm just checking: Scenes from the life of an obsessive-compulsive. Favourite Sports Team: don't really have one
mainly get behind England, but if people pushed me into saying, Saints all the way for rugby and Cobblers/Hamilton Academical
and Liverpool for football. Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite drink: Oh there are so many, always the classic archers
and lemonade and blue WKD! also carling and black!