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Snippets n Photos!

Me as a sweet(?) little babby..

ABOVE: Ok, this isn't Orlando as a baby......it's me!!  Sorry, I just thought it was so cute!!  It would be great to find some Orlando baby photos though...........

Orli looking daper at the Critics Choice Awards
Orli looking daper at the Critics Choice Awards

ABOVE: Orli looking daper at the Critics Choice Awards, bit of news for you - Orlando won Best Breakthrough Performance on the Web Awards 2002!

Legolas/Orlando on the set of LOTR2
Legolas/Orlando on the set of LOTR2

Orlando in Japan
Orlando in Japan

Sarah's 3 Snippets this month are:
  • he has broken every bone in his body!
  • thinks Liv is the cutest celebrity he knows!
  • scared of sharks since seeing Jaws!